Nuestras Instalaciones


El alumno del Programa ESTO tiene el privilegio de acceder a  estudiar con las comodidades y tecnología de nuestro tiempo, dentro de un edificio vinculado a la historia de los Reyes Católicos, que alberga la tumba de Garcilaso de la Vega,  que inspiró le leyenda del Beso de Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer y donde desde hace varios siglos se cultivaba el conocimiento y la sabiduría.

Una oportunidad excepcional para estudiar lengua y cultura española, rodeado de la historia de España.

  • Aulas equipadas para la docencia ELE en edificios de la UCLM situados en el casco histórico de Toledo y que son Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Ver video.
  • Wifi en todas las zonas universitarias.
  • Espacios de trabajo y estudio en diferentes puntos del complejo universitario.
  • Biblioteca, aulas informáticas a disposición del alumno.
  • Cafeterías universitarias de calidad con precios económicos.
  • Posibilidad de atención al estudiante con discapacidad (consultar).
  • Oficina administrativa, con horario amplio para la atención al estudiante, donde el alumno recibe información y apoyo para temas informativos generales, académicos, alojamientos, tramitación de visados, actividades extraacadémicas, gestión bancaria, o cualquier otra necesidad personal.
  • Todas las instalaciones que el alumno utiliza en el Programa Español en Toledo de la UCLM están evaluadas y acondicionadas para evitar riesgos,  preservar la salud de las personas y  respetar el medio ambiente.

SECURITY. The UCLM was the first university institution in Spain to achieve the AENOR Certification of Protocols against COVID-19. This distinction endorses that the protocols developed by the UCLM are aligned with the recommendations of national and international organizations, as well as with the best practices recognized in the education sector.

Our Facilities


The student of the ESTO Program has the privilege of studying with the amenities and technology of our time, in a building linked to the history of the Catholic Monarchs, which houses the tomb of Garcilaso de la Vega, who inspired the legend of ‘El beso’ of Gustavo Adolfo Becquer and where knowledge and wisdom have been cultivated for several centuries.

An exceptional opportunity to study the Spanish language and culture, surrounded by the history of Spain.

  • Classrooms equipped for ELE teaching in UCLM buildings located in the Old Town of Toledo and which are World Heritage Sites. See video.
  • Wifi in all university areas.
  • Work and study spaces in different parts of the university.
  • Library, computer rooms available for students.
  • University cafeterias with economic prices.
  • Possibility of attention to students with disabilities (please consult).
  • Administrative office, with extended hours for student services, where the student receives information and support for general and academic information, accommodation, visa processing, extracurricular activities, bank management, or any other personal needs.
  • All the facilities that the student uses in the Programa Español in Toledo of the UCLM are prepared to avoid risks, to preserve people’s health and to respect the environment.

SECURITY. The UCLM was the first university institution in Spain to achieve the AENOR Certification of Protocols against COVID-19. This distinction endorses that the protocols developed by the UCLM are aligned with the recommendations of national and international organizations, as well as with the best practices recognized in the education sector.

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